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Newsletter | November 2020

Sussex Pathways

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

Sussex Pathways Newsletter

Issue 9

November 2020

Welcome to our November edition. Here you will find a round-up of our month, including key updates on our work, feedback from people that we work with, and what to expect in the coming months.

Good news

· From Karren, Good morning everyone, I have today signed our wonderful Charity up the Amazon Smile Programme, which allows us to receive donations from Amazon as you shop!

· With Christmas coming up and the current Covid situation I am sure many of you may turn to online shopping. If you do please give us a thought and use this link to take you to the same Amazon online store you would normally use, but with the added bonus of using their charity link to donate to us at the same time. Please be assured this is the same Amazon site you know and are used to! You can also find the link on our website under ‘Support Us’

And you do not just have to use one link, when you have two!!!

· Easy funding raising. If you are thinking about Xmas shopping online, please consider using the below link, it is so simple (even I can use it), it doesn’t cost you anything and for everything you buy we get a donations. It’s a win win for us and you.

Prison news

· Two very good links and reads.

· Minority, ethnic, prisoners and rehabilitation a must read for all –

· I found this in an email and ask if I could share this, and was given permission, again it is an excellent read.

I am following up on a conversation a few weeks ago (after the workshops on racism) about terminology and what people felt about the use of BAME. There was general consensus that it wasn’t great terminology but there wasn’t a suggested alternative that was widely liked or suitable.

The article suggests “ethnically diverse communities” or “diverse ethnic communities” as the most inclusive term which can used by/for all people who may suffer racism but neither diminishes them nor conflates colour with nationality or ethnicity or origin. I was wondering what the views of the group might be about this and whether it is a term we would like to adopt more widely?

· This is a must read for Volunteering in Covid-19 to keep you safe.

Other News

Amanda Hamblin has sent the below for the news letter, I have played this on You tube with my Granddaughter and its truly amazing what they have achieved,

·         The son of a friend of ours plays with, and is Vice-Chairman of, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.  He is married to an international opera singer and they had their first baby last December.  Since March neither has been able to work and have therefore not earned much and so they decided to produce some English nursery rhymes, with traditional music and words, having been unable to find anything similar to play to their baby.  Matthew plays the trombone and Lucy sings, and they call themselves Treble and Trumpet.
·         If you have any children or grandchildren who enjoy music, please open and/or forward one of these links

· to hear The Classical Nursery, a nursery rhyme compilation arranged, sung, and recorded by Treble & Trumpet. This is one of the lockdown projects of two freelance musicians severely impacted by the COVID restrictions. (The recording is also be available on Amazon music / Alexa, Deezer, Tidal and Napster) If your grandchildren’s favourites are not included Treble and Trumpet would be happy to record them for volume 2 - e mail with your requests or if you would like to order a cd Follow Treble and Trumpet on Instagram - tag trebleandtrumpet , It's a lovely introduction to classical music through familiar nursery rhymes. I hope they (and you) you enjoy them.

Love Amanda.

Restorative Justice

· RJ Week saw this Tweeted –

· The end of Nov/beginning of Dec saw us deliver our first RJ Training course online, this was well received and we overcame the doom of Zoom and Shirl learnt just how versatile Zoom can be, breakout rooms, Moving people in and out of rooms, white boards, and all with the help and support of Karren Hurst and Henry Keiran, the Tea and Biscuits networking was missed, as was chatting over lunch, but overall a sign of the times and we have to accept that Zoom is the way forward for so many things that we would normally do face to face, but links and connections don’t have to be lost, just adapted. Thank you to everyone that attended and well done on excellent engagement.

· Excellent piece from the PCC Newsletter –

Hello, This week we learnt that we have been successful in our bid to the Home Office for £401k funding that could help change the behaviour of domestic abuse (DA) perpetrators. Working closely with Sussex Police, county councils, local charities and rehabilitation companies, my office will now be leading the development of the first county-wide pilot perpetrator programme. The majority of the funding will be used to target the most active dangerous DA perpetrators, uncovering and addressing the reasons why they commit these crimes, with an aim of changing their behaviour and reducing reoffending through evidence-based interventions. Find out more here. £151k of emergency funding has also been secured to bolster the help available for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence in Sussex. In July, we benefited from nearly £700k to combat the rise in reports during lockdown and as a result, victim support organisations helped 3436 people. As we are in the middle of another lockdown period, I’m pleased the Government has recognised the need to invest even more to help victims during winter and beyond. Safe Space Sussex provides a valuable directory of help and support available near you. I also welcome the revisions that have been made this week to the Victims’ Code, which sets out what each criminal justice agency must do for victims and the timeframe in which they must do it. The simplification and shortening of the Code will make it more accessible to victims and I’m pleased to see greater flexibility about the presentation of personal impact statements and the improved signposting to help available. Find out more here.Co-ordinated operations to recover stolen animalsIn today’s webcast Performance and Accountability Meeting (PAM), I was reassured by Chief Constable Jo Shiner and ACC Dave Miller that Sussex Police has proportionate measures in place in response to the increased terror threat level following attacks in Europe, with heightened observations and increased visible and covert patrols. With a few weeks of lockdown still to go I asked how senior officers were ensuring that police were using available powers and fines proportionately, following recent headlines about £10k fines for the most serious breaches. ACC Miller said that most people were still behaving responsibly and the feedback about policing during Covid remains positive and supportive. He said that large fines were at the extreme end of the Four Es approach. With so many reports of dogs being stolen and headlines about the horrendous conditions in puppy farms I asked how the force are responding to this increasingly common crime. The Chief Constable outlined how the pandemic had made puppies and dogs a valuable commodity to criminals and urged owners to not leave them tied up outside shops or in unattended cars. ACC Miller explained how the force are working with the RSPCA and other regional forces to tackle this issue and said a recent operation had meant that 60 stolen animals were recovered. If you missed todays PAM you can catch up in the archive here. Katy Bourne OBE Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner

Pathways to Change

Once again our Volunteers have come up trumps, notices were put out for Clothing, Household items, and goods, we had so many donations that we are now looking for a small storage container so that Lucy can have her spare room back, Karren can have her garage back and we can store more items ready for when they are needed by our clients.

· Together with the above we have had Volunteers delivering these items to clients from Chatham, Kent to Chichester, Sussex. It is amazing what a fantastic team we have in our Staff and Volunteers. A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL 😊


· Hopefully you will now have received your Parcel ready for the 8th December, so that we can all open together, and have some fun and games.

· Sussex Pathways

Cordially Invites You to Our ANNUAL CHRISTMAS VSN 8th December 11.00am

A little different this year as will be via Zoom! Put on a Christmas Hat and have a drink and mince pie at the ready to share in the festive activities. T09 Please R.S.V.P. by 06/12/2020 to Karren at

· Don’t forget our regular Volunteer’s Zoom on Tuesdays at 11am, this is a really good way of gaining the latest information, networking and covers both Pathways to Change and Restorative Justice.

News & Media

· Not sure if this is now out of date, there are so many changes that I can’t keep up!!

· Interesting reading on companies/people breaking GDPR and how the ICO are clamping down on breeches of GDPR.


· Here are some links for you to browse through, when you have a minute or two!

Pathway to Sussex Pathways

It is with a vey heavy and sad heart that I pay this tribute to Mary Hinton an amazing lady that passed away in November after a short illness.

In loving memory of Mary Hinton who sadly passed away on 10th November 2020.

This photo was taken when Mary and I went to London to celebrate Mary being nominated for a Howard League award, and met with Prue Leith, we had a great day, and it was an honour going with Mary.

Mary was my friend and mentor, and to the Partnership she was a Trainer, Facilitator, and someone that left a mark everywhere she went, Mary was an English teacher before she became an RJ Trainer, and still worked into Schools doing RJ Training, and Conferences with Youths, Staff and Children, Mary also chaired the Police Scrutiny panel in Sussex, amongst many other things.

Mary’s passion was Young Minds and Restorative Justice, and right up to the end Mary was still involved in the work she loved, and working with Shirl completed the adaptation of the RJ Training to enable it to be delivered online.

Mary had a large family and enjoyed her allotment which she cherished, she also had a beach hut on Hove Seafront, and loved a swim in the Sea in the Summer, Mary also cycled with family and friends in the London to Brighton run for her 60th Birthday.

Mary trained many of you in RJ to become RJ Facilitators, she also trained me to deliver RJ Training and mentored me through my journey in becoming a Trained Trainer, I learnt a lot from Mary, not just in RJ, but in life, through her sense of humour, calmness, and wisdom.

Mary always called us the Dream Team when Training, but in truth I just got the room ready, brought the sandwiches, and had the kettle ready, after this I followed her lead as I was no match for Mary’s years of experience in RJ.

Heaven has gained a magnificent shining star, who will be sadly missed and will never be replaced, but I will do her proud in delivering her training and know that she will be looking down smiling, guiding me and thinking yes the dream team.

Rest in Peace Mary my friend, mentor and lovely lady xx

Final Thoughts

· Looking forward to seeing you all on the 8th December with Party hats, mince pies and Xmas crackers!!

Stay safe from all at Sussex Pathways.

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