Pathways to Change
The Service
Pathways to Change (PTC) is a weekly life skills group designed to help prison residents to prepare for a successful release.
It is structured around the Seven pathways to Rehabilitation, factors recognised by government as those which can influence whether a client re-offends:
Attitudes, thinking and behaviour
Children and family
Drugs and alcohol
Education, training and employment
Finance, benefit and debt
Pathways to Change is a voluntary support network geared towards reducing reoffending through changing behaviours. It focuses on residents who are willing to:
Take responsibility for their actions and for their future lives
Address past behaviours
Explore new ways forward
Our clients
PTC is designed for residents who are within six months of their prison release date. It is also for vulnerable residents who need peer support to make positive changes.
What we offer
Pathways to Change is a mixture of peer support and one-to-one volunteer support. Residents are encouraged to identify and address past negative behaviours, and explore new ways forward. We offer:
Support in a group setting, where clients connect with each other
One-to-one support from a trained volunteer
Mindfulness practice as a central part of group interactions
Life skills coaching
Coping mechanisms and strategies for life outside prison
The opportunity to talk and be listened to
Space to reflect and feel safe to take steps out of prison life and become rehabilitated
Opportunities to gain/offer peer support
Encouragement and support to build self-belief and self-esteem
PTC is linked to our Through the Gate service.
How PTC makes a difference….
To clients
Clients taking part in PTC are given the chance to engage in ways that they may not have been able to for some time, showing them that they can move outside prison life and change their engrained behaviours. They are able to:
Feel empowered
Develop transferable skills
Increase in self-awareness
Become part of a support network in a safe space to share and talk
Take responsibility for their own actions
Make connections
Use advocacy to have their say
Change their attitudes and lifestyles – and use our toolkit to maintain change
See the positive side of asking for help
Reduce reoffending behaviour
To health and wellbeing
PTC uses positive group and one-to-one work to restore residents’ self-esteem and build essential life skills – reducing the risk of self-hatred and self-harm and the spiral that leads to re-offending. The programme gives residents:
An understanding of their ‘triggers’ (homelessness, addiction, financial issues) and past behaviours – suggesting alternative behaviour and coping skills
Self-awareness of their own needs
Accountability to the self
Restored trust and respect
Access to support services/Professionals
The ability to understand and make different life choices
Improved self-esteem
A sense of purpose
To the prison environment
The impact of PTC on residents has a hugely positive effect on prison life, improving the prison environment through:
Better behaviour
Peer support
Reduction in Mental health issues
Reduced self-harming/Violent/suicidal thoughts
Alternative coping strategies on the wings
Entries on CNOMIS
A unique group approach that works
More positive Resident to Resident/Officer interaction
Positive staff rapport
To society
Self-aware and responsible offenders and ex-offenders are less likely to re-offend, contributing to a safer society. PTC is crucial in realising this by:
Equipping those in the justice system with a better understanding of the impact of their actions
Giving offenders the life skills to make positive changes and contribute to their community
Creating safer communities with less victims of crime
Changing society’s views of offending and how it happens by offering volunteering opportunities in prisons
Improving housing options on release so that offenders are integrated into the community
If you would like to know more about PTC; make a referral; or discuss how it might work in your prison. Call us on 01273 785335 or fill in our contact form
We would love to have the capacity to help more prisons and their residents. Support us now